If Aware . . .

No fair minded person who observes the ‘Westminster Creature’ (MP) being interviewed on TV is left in any doubt that they not only feel empowered to deceive, but are unfazed when deceiving overtly. This, in every-day social intercourse, would be regarded as beyond weird. There are, indeed, deceivers in the general population; some never buy a drink, some sell you stuff you don’t want, and some try to take advantage for ‘intimate’ purposes. But none of these do their deceiving in a blatantly (insultingly) obvious manner, as do politicians. This commonality cannot be a chance clustering. It is evident that parties (who pre-choose aspirant MPs) are choosing for behaviours peculiar to politics! Multiply this abominable truth by 650, and you arrive at the group-psyche of Westminster. Even without internal division in the name of strife, this is no basis for benign stewardship of a nation. The result is not governance but inept, wasteful party-games, and manipulative tyranny. Who among the ordinary people would vote for this – if aware?